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There are a few subjects where I have improved and a few where I have not. e original reflection:  The first semester, I had a hard time going beyond my first ideas. I thought that I had photos and no more were needed. That is something I want to work on in the second semester. I want to go above and beyond.  However, when I take photos, I tend to only shoot the bare minimum.     At the beginning, I had no idea had to work photoshop, but now I know all the basics and can complete all of my projects with no problem.   I want to try to expand my creativity and not rely on my first ideas. I also want to try to get harder shots and not give up on the first try.    I think I have improved a bit when it comes to being creative. On the forced perspective assignment, I don't think I did it to the best of my ability, but in the daily dozen assignment, I took a few extra steps and I really liked the outcome. As for photoshop, I wouldn't call myself am expert, but I have improved even

Conceptual Photography

Letter to my past self

To be successful in photography you need to put as much effort as you can into your work. Use up class time to your advantage. Never settle for your first idea, as it is probably the most basic one you have. It might not be a bad idea, but if it's your first thought other people might have thought of it to. Alway's take your time when taking pictures and be patient when working with photoshop, especially the cut out tool. Overall, you need to take your time and think about what you are going to do for a while. But most importantly, you need to have fun with it and be creative. Let your creativity show. This is a piece I did a while ago. I think it is successful, because instead of just taking the pictures and being done with it, I put them together into a collage. It's little things like this that will make your work stand out and show how much thought you put into it. 

The importance of art

I don't agree with this statement. Teenagers need to be able express them selves in high-school and join the classes they want to. Teenagers need to creative to learn how to flourish in life. Although they eventually need to learn life skills, they don't need to rush their lives. With students taking so many classes, its good for them to be able to do the things they love as well.

Forced Perspective