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There are a few subjects where I have improved and a few where I have not. e

original reflection: The first semester, I had a hard time going beyond my first ideas. I thought that I had photos and no more were needed. That is something I want to work on in the second semester. I want to go above and beyond. However, when I take photos, I tend to only shoot the bare minimum.  At the beginning, I had no idea had to work photoshop, but now I know all the basics and can complete all of my projects with no problem. I want to try to expand my creativity and not rely on my first ideas. I also want to try to get harder shots and not give up on the first try. 

 I think I have improved a bit when it comes to being creative. On the forced perspective assignment, I don't think I did it to the best of my ability, but in the daily dozen assignment, I took a few extra steps and I really liked the outcome. As for photoshop, I wouldn't call myself am expert, but I have improved even from December when we wrote our first quarter reflections. I also have been shooting a lot more photos than in first quarter. I do think I'm improving since the beginning of the year and I hope to keep improving till the end of the year. 
Overall my grade grade for my improvements would probably be a high B, as I have improved but not as much I wold have wished to. 


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Cubism questions

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