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"Are You Lost In The World Like Me"

1. The general premise of the video is to show that we live in a world obsessed with our phones. People do not even realize what is happening in the world today, because they are obsessed with their phones.

2. Yes, the video is effective in conveying its message. It shows that when bad things happen people don't care or react, and all they do is record it to post to social media.

3. Yes. The world today is already obsessed with their phones, and it will only get worse in the future. People will become so consumed with technology that they won't acknowledge things around them.


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Nine Squares

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Cubism questions

Steps -      The photographer first had to choose a place to take his photos. Then he took his photos, and by looking at the image it looks as if he took multiple at different times of the day. Once he had his pictures he had to composite them all into one.        I would say between 50 and 100 pictures were used to make this image. The pictures were not taken at the same time of day as some are darker then others. In some of the squares there is a photoshop enhancement of fuzziness, as if the photographer wants those slightly blurred out. I noticed that the photographer tended to take the pictures from the same angle. All the pictures are pointing the same way as if the camera did not move.  Overall I think that this project was not an easy feat. From the looks of it, it appears to have taken quite a while to have pieced everything together. As well as add the photoshop enhancements and figure out which square fits well.