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Showing posts from December, 2019

1st semester exam - paper

1st semester reflection

Quality Of Work    I do not have a professional camera, but i make sure the pictures I take on my phone are in good quality. The composition and contrast in my photos are good and I make sure they are not blurry. I always have my work turned in on time, and put it in the proper format. The first semester, I had a hard time going beyond my first ideas. I thought that I had photos and no more were needed. That is something I want to work on in the second semester. I want to go above and beyond. Effort    I try to take photos when I can, wherever I go. Whatever the setting, I am always taking pictures. However, when I take photos, I tend to only shoot the bare minimum. If a shot is hard to take, I always try to get it and if I can't then I won't bother with it anymore. When looking at other students artwork I always have a positive outlook and point out what I like about it. I feel like I tend to critique my own work more than other peoples. I see places where I messed up my pho

part 2

Seeing the full image definitely changes my viewpoint on the image. I can clearly see that the image is in fact not photoshopped and is an image of a street artists putting a picture on a building. The building appears to be a little worn down and and already have some graffiti on it. The man is hanging by a rope from the top of the building an is putting his artwork on the building. There is a private property sign and what appears to be law enforcement below him, as he is caught vandalizing the property.  The image is so large as the artists wants people to see it and think about it. He wants to share his art and the meaning behind it with the world. The image is so large it appears to be cut in some sections. The man must have hung it up piece by piece, and he is only hanging on to the building by a rope. The area seems to be a little run down, urban development. He wants the people who live there to see it and interpret its meaning. I think the title 'The Last Girl" is the

gottfreid helnwein

The image shows a tiny man standing on a woman's face. I think the black line is a strand of the woman's hair that the man is using to climb her face. The woman almost seems surprised, as her eyes are open wide and in the reflection of her pupil I see two bright flashing lights. She seems surprise at the flashing lights. The image is artistic, because it displays emotion and holds artistic elements. The image appears to be photoshopped because of the huge size difference between the two people, but the image also seems to maybe be drawn. It looks to be drawn with paint or oils. The difference in scale of the man and the woman leads me to believe that this is a photoshopped image. My interpretation of this image is that many things take people by surprise, just don't let it get you down.

Spacey Transfiguration