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1st semester reflection

Quality Of Work   I do not have a professional camera, but i make sure the pictures I take on my phone are in good quality. The composition and contrast in my photos are good and I make sure they are not blurry. I always have my work turned in on time, and put it in the proper format. The first semester, I had a hard time going beyond my first ideas. I thought that I had photos and no more were needed. That is something I want to work on in the second semester. I want to go above and beyond.

Effort    I try to take photos when I can, wherever I go. Whatever the setting, I am always taking pictures. However, when I take photos, I tend to only shoot the bare minimum. If a shot is hard to take, I always try to get it and if I can't then I won't bother with it anymore. When looking at other students artwork I always have a positive outlook and point out what I like about it. I feel like I tend to critique my own work more than other peoples. I see places where I messed up my photoshop and where I could have fixed small things, like lighting.

Participation    I am always on time for class, if not a few minutes early. I use my time wisely and make to sure to finish my projects in the given class times. Some times I tend to slack off and that is also something I wish to fix in the second semester. If I finish a project early in class, I look at my friends projects and see if they need help on anything.

Improvement    I have definitely improved since the beginning of the year. At the beginning, I had no idea had to work photoshop, but now I know all the basics and can complete all of my projects with no problem.

Adjustment    I want to try to expand my creativity and not rely on my first ideas. I also want to try to get harder shots and not give up on the first try. 

Suggestion - I think we should do an assignment where we photograph our day. On the weekend at every event you go to take  a picture and then put them into a collage.


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